Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Discover your Small Business Opportunity

How to Discover your Small Business Opportunity
Not sure what type of small business to start? Find lots of ideas, opportunities and more here >>

Friday, October 16, 2009

List of Small Business Ideas

List of Small Business Ideas

What type of small business would be best for you to start?? Check out this list to get some ideas for starting your small business.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Small Business Grants Plan

Small Business Grants Plan

The governments are giving heaps of grants to small business for a variety of reasons. If you want to grow your small business you're not sure where to start read this article.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Small Business Grants Outline

Small Business Grants Outline find out about small business grants and the outline for applying for grants.

Small Business Grants Service

U.S citizens are few of those lucky ones who would not find it tough to acquire small business grants for starting their new business. Small business grants are always of great help if one does not have enough capital to invest on a new venture. One place where one can find the answer to small business grants related dilemmas is SBA (Small Business Administration), as it has been known for providing grants to all those who do not have enough finance to start a new business.

When one is thinking of establishing a new business, grants can come out as a great way to establish one. There are many small business grants available, all one has to do is to see the qualification parameters before sending the grant proposal. Both government and state agencies offer small business grants and if one needs to know more about the grant approval process, one can attend the various seminars and workshops.

Step By Step Process To Find Small Business Grants Service

All the young entrepreneurs who are looking forward to get a small business grant can follow the steps to get a grant approved.

* Searching out names and website addresses of the state, federal and government agencies that provide small business grants.

* Attend seminars regarding the process of getting a grant proposal approved.

* Acquiring services of professionals who have expertise in writing grant proposals and business plans.

* Depositing grant proposal applications with U.S government to get grant approved.

Apart from SBA, there are various other non-profit organizations that provide small business grants to potential candidates. Every prospective business owner looking forward to have a grant approved has to keep in mind that a convincing business plan is a must have.

Small Business Plan Service

A small business plan is an integral element when it comes to get a grant approved or make a business grow. There are many small business plan services that help business owners to come out with a business plan that has each and everything to convince the lenders for either getting funds discharged or to get the grants approved. Although the importance of a comprehensive business plan is overstressed most times, not many business owners consider it as an important step towards the establishment of their business. A convincing business plan is not only important from finances point of view as it holds utmost importance in various other steps also such as managing the operations, marketing the business and achieving the objectives and goals in the long run.

Small Business Plan Services

The small business plan services are basically intended towards providing prospective business owner with a business plan that outlines the business strategies, marketing and advertising campaigns, complete knowledge about the competitors and the key differences that differentiate the business owner from the others in the niche.

There are many small business plan consultants who work out with the business owner to come out with a business plan that helps the businessman stand out of the others in the list of the business grant agencies. As a business plan is a crucial component of the initial establishment of ones business, it has to contain complete and accurate information as most of the times the information provided is cross checked by the federal agencies before they provide approval to the business grant.

The ones, who want to acquire an edge over others in the niche, can get their business plan written from professionals by providing them with all the relevant information. Business owners have to keep in mind that a business plan to a certain extent holds same importance as compared to the funds.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

List of Small Business Ideas

List of Small Business Ideas -- need ideas to start your small business?

This comprehensive list of small business ideas will get you started and on the road to owning your own business.

Sometimes the hardest part of starting a small business is working out what to do, and once you start thinking about it there would be an unlimited amount of ideas for you.

What do you love to do? What gets you fired up and on your soapbox when you talk about? What gets you motivated and out of bed and excited about the day?

All these questions are things you need to answer when considering ideas for a small business.

Is Buying A Franchise Really Buying A Job?

Is Buying A Franchise Really Buying A Job?

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Small Businesses Marketing

Small Businesses Marketing is difficult for most small business owners. How do you come up with new ideas and new ways to get customers when you are so busy serving your current customers?

This article gives you quick and free tips for marketing your business and where to get those new ideas from.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Checklist for Preparing Your Business for Disaster

A Checklist for Preparing Your Business for Disaster - I have just found this great checklist for small businesses looking to create a disaster plan.

As it states in the article a survey found that 40% of businesses don't have a disaster plan and in my experience in business I would put this much higher.

A lot of small business owners don't do it for one of two reasons:

  1. They don't think that it will happen to them
  2. they don't have the time or resources to do the plan and then train staff and others
Believe me when you are in business and it is your only form of income and others (employees and suppliers) rely on you to provide their income, then it is vital that you think about and prepare for the worst. If it doesn't happen then that's a bonus!

Check out the business disaster plan checklist here and leave any comments that you might have below.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Own Business!

What Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Own Business!

This is a informative and simple to follow article that lists the mistakes to avoid when starting a small business.

Over the 12 years that I been in business I have found that we made a lot of mistakes but it was also a great learning curve. Either way I would have to be formally educated in business or just get into it and have a go ... I have really enjoyed the way that we learnt but  I would have liked some simple tips to help as we go.

I have found that Tip #1 is the most important tip to remember before starting a small business and I am going to talk about this in a bit more detail over the next couple of weeks. I think that most people [me included] go into business because they are "good" at something. That is most logical when you haven't been in a small business before.

BUT I have discovered that you need to follow your passions ... a good business can be created out of anything!

So, read the above article if you are thinking about starting a small business and we will talk more about finding your passion soon.
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

E-ZineZ - The Handbook of Ezine Publishing

E-ZineZ - The Handbook of Ezine Publishing a great resource for anyone wanting to publish their own newsletter or ezine.

This handbook outlines what you need to do to prepare your ezine, and why you need to create an ezine and it includes:
  • Preparation
  • Planning
  • Production
  • Publishing
  • Promotion
  • Profits
Great book for anyone looking for small business Ezine and advice.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Small Business Loans: Banks Aren’t the Only Ones with Money 

Small Business Loans: Banks Aren’t the Only Ones with Money - check out this article for other financing options for your small business.

When you are looking for loans think outside the square and other types of options are listed here.
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10 Online Small Business Ideas

10 Online Small Business Ideas is a fantastic article that explains online business ideas. It outlines 10 ideas for bringing extra income in through the use of your computer.

If you are struggling to pay the bills and want to find out how people are making money on the internet as a 2nd income this article may be just what you need.

This article explains that the internet is not a get rich quick scheme and starting an online small business is a process where you will need patience and persistence but there are many options available if you are interested.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Small Businesses Work Life Balance

I have been thinking about small businesses work life balance over the last 4 days.

The last 4 days have been our 3 monthly break away from all work/small businesses and technology as much as possible and I must say that each time we do it we are getting better and others around us are getting better at complying with the rules that we are setting.

At the beginning of this year I made the decision that I wouldn’t “work” school holidays and although I have been doing some writing and marketing I haven’t had to send my kids to the babysitter or school holiday care and this is definitely my definition of not “working”.

Our Small Businesses Work Life Balance

Our quarterly break away is a part of our work life balance and we have had a great 4 day break which included 2 nights and 3 days on the Gold Coast shopping [we visited the new Robina Shopping Centre], swimming [in the beautiful Coolangatta ocean and the pool at our apartment], walking and soaking up the sun! So nice before the winter sun sets in!

On Saturday we spent the day at SeaWorld – which was great and this time we took the kids on the Log Ride and the Bermuda Triangle ride – it is so good to get outside your comfort zone to invigorate and get ready for the pressures of small business.

Today we drove 2 hours west to take the boys motorbike riding at a secluded and beautiful spot that had nothing but nature. There is nothing like having nothing to do [no phones or computers] to get a REAL break from your small business.

The “remote brain” small business owner

How do you get work life balance?

Do you get away …. completely? Not just take the phone and check emails every 2 hours at the internet cafe … :-)

I have been there … only just last year we would have a holiday and take work with us … if we were lucky we would get a 2-3 hour break from the phone calls. Then check the emails, return the phone calls and you know what half the calls and messages were our employees wanting a “remote brain” – my name for not thinking for themselves!

It was at this time I decided I needed a plan after being nudged by various mentors for a while.

The Small Businesses Work Life Balance Plan

Now you might not need a quarterly break but I think it is absolutely essential to start with at least a 2-3 day break every 3-4 months.

You might need to start with something small like we did … letting the phone ring for 2-3 hours on silent – after telling the office that we will be unavailable for 2-3 hours – and increase up to a full day and then on to 3 full days with no unimportant messages.

If you don’t have employees and it is customers ringing and messaging you – set up an auto responder on your email and a professional and clear message on your phone.

Filling in the Time

After you have determined your small businesses work life balance plan you need to decide what you are going to do with your time.

I have found that I need to make a real effort to do things that I don’t normally do such as:

  • getting outside because I work inside
  • sitting in the sun
  • exercising
  • visiting new places

If you don’t find things to do you will automatically draw yourself back to the phone or your computer!

Finding work life balance is really difficult when you are a small business owner but if you find a really good plan that works for you I would love to hear about it … send me a message or leave a comment!

Small Businesses Work Life Balance

I have been thinking about small businesses work life balance over the last 4 days.

The last 4 days have been our 3 monthly break away from all work/small businesses and technology as much as possible and I must say that each time we do it we are getting better and others around us are getting better at complying with the rules that we are setting.

At the beginning of this year I made the decision that I wouldn’t “work” school holidays and although I have been doing some writing and marketing I haven’t had to send my kids to the babysitter or school holiday care and this is definitely my definition of not “working”.

Our Small Businesses Work Life Balance

Our quarterly break away is a part of our work life balance and we have had a great 4 day break which included 2 nights and 3 days on the Gold Coast shopping [we visited the new Robina Shopping Centre], swimming [in the beautiful Coolangatta ocean and the pool at our apartment], walking and soaking up the sun! So nice before the winter sun sets in!

On Saturday we spent the day at SeaWorld – which was great and this time we took the kids on the Log Ride and the Bermuda Triangle ride – it is so good to get outside your comfort zone to invigorate and get ready for the pressures of small business.

Today we drove 2 hours west to take the boys motorbike riding at a secluded and beautiful spot that had nothing but nature. There is nothing like having nothing to do [no phones or computers] to get a REAL break from your small business.

The “remote brain” small business owner

How do you get work life balance?

Do you get away …. completely? Not just take the phone and check emails every 2 hours at the internet cafe … :-)

I have been there … only just last year we would have a holiday and take work with us … if we were lucky we would get a 2-3 hour break from the phone calls. Then check the emails, return the phone calls and you know what half the calls and messages were our employees wanting a “remote brain” – my name for not thinking for themselves!

It was at this time I decided I needed a plan after being nudged by various mentors for a while.

The Small Businesses Work Life Balance Plan

Now you might not need a quarterly break but I think it is absolutely essential to start with at least a 2-3 day break every 3-4 months.

You might need to start with something small like we did … letting the phone ring for 2-3 hours on silent – after telling the office that we will be unavailable for 2-3 hours – and increase up to a full day and then on to 3 full days with no unimportant messages.

If you don’t have employees and it is customers ringing and messaging you – set up an auto responder on your email and a professional and clear message on your phone.

Filling in the Time

After you have determined your small businesses work life balance plan you need to decide what you are going to do with your time.

I have found that I need to make a real effort to do things that I don’t normally do such as:

  • getting outside because I work inside
  • sitting in the sun
  • exercising
  • visiting new places

If you don’t find things to do you will automatically draw yourself back to the phone or your computer!

Finding work life balance is really difficult when you are a small business owner but if you find a really good plan that works for you I would love to hear about it … send me a message or leave a comment!

Monday, April 20, 2009

YouTube - mssmallbiz's Channel

YouTube - mssmallbiz's Channel - I have just finished updating my channel profile on YouTube. Working on more profiles tomorrow. Let me know what you think.

I do know that there are already many excellent websites, articles and videos with information, hints, tips, ideas and opportunities but I want to use my 12 years experience to supply you with the information that is relevant and tried and tested.

I am currently working on my website but I want to get together as much information as possible and you will be the first to know when it is up and running.
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Protester Falls @ Byron Bay

Protester Falls @ Byron Bay
Protester Falls @ Byron Bay,
originally uploaded by mssmallbiz.
We visited Protester Falls between Byron Bay and Nimbin yesterday and had a fantastic rainforest walk.

We were the first to arrive and we were there for a morning tea picnic at 10.30 and we didn't see any other visitors until about 11.15.

It was so serene and the kids loved it ... they wanted to live there and "buy it". :-)

We have lived in this area all our life and we had never heard of Protester Falls until our family visited them for business. They told us about how beautiful the falls were and wanting to see for ourselves we took the drive out there and it was worth the wait.

It was simply "breathtaking" -- just beautiful.

The history:
These falls located in the Terania National Forest are called Protestor Falls because of the protesters that carried out an anti-logging campaign.

Another small business idea:

While I was there I was thinking [as usual] how great it would be to create a Byron Bay / Nimbin Tour company that takes Byron Bay visitors to Protestor Falls and provides a natural and healthy picnic ... it is so beautiful and more people should see it and appreciate it.

I'm looking forward to visiting many more rainforest and waterfalls in the Byron Bay area so watch this space.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Beautiful Byron Bay

originally uploaded by mssmallbiz.
Beautiful Byron Bay -- how lucky am I to wake up to this beautiful weather, a great breakfast at Cafe 29 and a walk beside the river with my family?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

12 ways to find a great security guard company

12 ways to find a great security guard company - I have created this article to help those security guards trying to get a security guard job and more importantly in the current economic climate keep the great job that they have.

Welcome to my Small Businesses Blog

This is my small businesses blog -- what I am thinking, creating, feeling and giving lots of hints and tips to other as I go through my small business experiences and ideas.

I am Tammy Love and I have been in small businesses for over 12 years. Currently I am managing a security business, publishing a website, training business administration trainees and learning about online marketing, web 2.0 and instructional design.

I like to keep very busy and it is definately not my thing to be employed in a 38 hour week, so I am on a quest to be happy, busy and flexible to work around my family.

I also love to visit boutique wineries and being in Australia there are many great winery areas such as
  • Hunter Valley
  • Yarra Valley
  • Margaret River
  • Barossa Valley
  • plus lots of others

I am also lucky enough to live in a great part of the world -- Byron Bay -- and I plan to share photos and stories about this beautiful part of the world.

So I am really excited to be starting this blog and I can't wait to get started.

Welcome to my world!